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Foreign Rights

Edizioni Spartaco is an independent publisher, founded in 1995. In 2003 it entered the national market, by creating the series “Il risveglio”, later called “I Saggi” (non-fiction and docu-fiction). It contains  books of libertarian inspiration, welcoming reflections and experiences regarding power and the various ways to oppose it and to reach autonomy, with a critical, un-authoritarian and un-rhetorical attitude. The main characteristic of this series is the complete independence from the literary genre: we have political pamphlets, classical works, journalistic writings and articles, reportages, satires, travel accounts.

In 2005 we have created a series of fiction, “Dissensi”: the “dissents” we want to deal with are political dissents, wherever they show and in whatever regime (democratic, too) they find reason to exist, but also social or relational dissents (as reaction to conformism, family dissents, etc.). Now it is the strong point of Edizioni Spartaco.